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Gait analysis
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Opto Gaitでのみ使用できる機能
Opto Gaitの間を歩くだけで、歩行周期が自動で判別され、数値やグラフで表示されます。レポート化にも対応しており、歩行したクライアントにわかりやすい形で、すぐにデータをフィードバック可能です。
Max 13m
1〜2mまで収納できるシングルバックと5mまで収納できるキャリーケースが用意されています。トレーニング現場や遠征先への持ち運びも楽々行えます! 輸送中の衝撃も軽減してくれます。
OptoGait シングルセット
OptoGait 延長シングルセット
OptoGait 5mセット
|対応気温:0° C/+35°C
|最大接続距離:100 m
|操作端末:Windows PC (日本語化対応)
最低スペック | 推奨スペック | |
OS | Windows 10 | Windows 10/11(64bit) |
CPU | i3/i5 | i7/i9 |
RAM | 4/8 GB | 16/32 GB |
ハードディスク容量 | 40GB | 160GB |
ディスプレイ解像度 | 1024×768 | 1920×1080 以上 |
USBポート数 | 1 | 3 OptoJump+webcam2台 |
1 . Luis E Roche-Seruendo , Felipe García-Pinillos , Joana Haicaguerre , Ana V Bataller-Cervero , Víctor M Soto-Hermoso , Pedro Á Latorre-Román
2 . BERNAL, Antonio Gomez; BECERRO-DE-BENGOA-VALLEJO, Ricardo; LOSA-IGLESIAS, Marta Elena. Reliability of the OptoGait portable photoelectric cell system for the quantification of spatial-temporal parameters of gait in young adults. Gait & posture, 2016, 50: 196-200.
3 . HEALY, Aoife; LINYARD-TOUGH, Kimberley; CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan. Agreement between the spatiotemporal gait parameters of healthy adults from the optogait system and a traditional three-dimensional motion capture system. Journal of biomechanical engineering, 2019, 141.1.
4 . ALVAREZ, Daniel, et al. Validation of the photoelectric Optogait system to measure racewalking biomechanical parameters on a treadmill. ISBS Proceedings Archive, 2017, 35.1: 253.
5 . NIGHTINGALE, Christopher J.; MITCHELL, Sidney N.; BUTTERFIELD, Stephen A. Validation of the timed up and go test for assessing balance variables in adults aged 65 and older. Journal of aging and physical activity, 2018, 27.2: 230-233.
6 . JAÉN-CARRILLO, Diego, et al. Test–retest reliability of the OptoGait system for the analysis of spatiotemporal running gait parameters and lower body stiffness in healthy adults. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 2020, 234.2: 154-161.
7 . GOMMANS, Lindy NM, et al. Prolonged stance phase during walking in intermittent claudication. Journal of vascular surgery, 2017, 66.2: 515-522.
8 . SÁNCHEZ-TRIGO, Horacio, et al. Validation of a Wearable Accelerometer-Based Activity Monitor for Use in Future Osteoporosis Prevention Programs. Sustainability, 2020, 12.6: 2187.
9 . FOKKEMA, Tryntsje, et al. Reliability and validity of ten consumer activity trackers depend on walking speed. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2017, 49.4: 793-800.
11 . SIMONI, Laura, et al. Relationship between Lower Limb Kinematics and Upper Trunk Acceleration in Recreational Runners. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2020, 2020.
12 . MORIWAKI, Kenta, et al. Association of serum bone-and muscle-derived factors with age, sex, body composition, and physical function in community-dwelling middle-aged and elderly adults: a cross-sectional study. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 2019, 20.1: 276.
13 . KIM, Hae Won; NAM, Ki Seok; SON, Sung Min. Effects of Virtual Reality Horse Riding Simulator Training Using a Head-Mounted Display on Balance and Gait Functions in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Preliminary Pilot Study. The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy, 2019, 31.5: 273-278.
14 . GARCÍA-PINILLOS, Felipe, et al. Absolute reliability and concurrent validity of the Stryd system for the assessment of running stride kinematics at different velocities. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 2018.
15 . ROCHE-SERUENDO, Luis E., et al. Lack of influence of muscular performance parameters on spatiotemporal adaptations with increased running velocity. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2018, 32.2: 409-415.
16 . LEE, Kyeongjin. Effects of single and dual tasks during walking on spatiotemporal gait parameters of community-dwelling older. Journal of physical therapy science, 2017, 29.10: 1874-1877.
17 . GARCÍA-PINILLOS, Felipe, et al. Agreement between spatiotemporal parameters from a photoelectric system with different filter settings and high-speed video analysis during running on a treadmill at comfortable velocity. Journal of biomechanics, 2019, 93: 213-219.
18 . HATCHETT, Andrew; ALLEN, Charles; SMITH, Marzania. The effect of a textured shoe insert on running gait. Age (y), 2017, 20.1.69: 20.60-1.78.
19 . BEHRENS, Martin, et al. Plyometric training improves voluntary activation and strength during isometric, concentric and eccentric contractions. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 2016, 19.2: 170-176.
20 . TANISHIMA, Shinji, et al. Association between sarcopenia and low back pain in local residents prospective cohort study from the GAINA study. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 2017, 18.1: 452.
21 . PAEZ-MOGUER, Joaquin, et al. Variation of spatiotemporal parameters in school children carrying different backpack loads: a cross sectional study. Scientific reports, 2019, 9.1: 1-8.
22 . MATSUMOTO, Hiromi, et al. Sarcopenia is a risk factor for falling in independently living Japanese older adults: A 2‐year prospective cohort study of the GAINA study. Geriatrics & gerontology international, 2017, 17.11: 2124-2130.
23 . DUNCAN, Ashley L., et al. Spatiotemporal Parameters of Treadmill Walking While Dual-Tasking in Those With Chronic Ankle Instability Versus Uninjured Controls. Athletic Training and Sports Health Care, 2019, 11.6: 264-272.
24 . DEFLANDRE, Dorian, et al. A comparison of 3D methods for identifying the stance phase in treadmill running for both rearfoot and forefoot runners. Journal of Sports Science, 2016, 4: 124-131.
25 . GARCÍA-PINILLOS, Felipe, et al. Does fatigue alter step characteristics and stiffness during running?. Gait & Posture, 2020, 76: 259-263.
26 . GARCÍA-PINILLOS, Felipe, et al. How does the slope gradient affect spatiotemporal parameters during running? Influence of athletic level and vertical and leg stiffness. Gait & posture, 2019, 68: 72-77.
27 . MATSUMOTO, Hiromi, et al. Association between speed of sound of calcaneal bone assessed by quantitative ultrasound and sarcopenia in a general older adult population: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Orthopaedic Science, 2019, 24.5: 906-911.
28 . SON, Dong-Wook; HWANG, Sujin. Robotic-assisted gait training applied with guidance force for balance and gait performance in persons with subacute hemiparetic stroke. Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science, 2017, 6.3: 106-112.
29 . LYNN, Rebekah, et al. Step-Counting Validity of Wrist-Worn Activity Monitors During Activities With Fixed Upper Extremities. Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour, 2020, 1.aop: 1-7.
30 . LEE, Soonhyun; LEE, Kyeongjin; SONG, Changho. Gait training with bilateral rhythmic auditory stimulation in stroke patients: a randomized controlled trial. Brain sciences, 2018, 8.9: 164.
31 . BAILLIEUL, Sebastien, et al. Continuous positive airway pressure improves gait control in severe obstructive sleep apnoea: A prospective study. PloS one, 2018, 13.2.
32 . GARCÍA-PINILLOS, Felipe, et al. Minimum time required for assessing step variability during running at submaximal velocities. Journal of biomechanics, 2018, 80: 186-195.
33 . GARCÍA-PINILLOS, Felipe, et al. How do spatiotemporal parameters and lower-body stiffness change with increased running velocity? A comparison between novice and elite level runners. Journal of Human Kinetics, 2019, 70.1: 25-38.
34 . ROCHE-SERUENDO, L. E., et al. Do sex and body structure influence spatiotemporal step characteristics in endurance runners?. Science & Sports, 2019, 34.6: 412. e1-412. e9.
35 . SZYMCZAK, Maria, et al. Gait pattern in patients with peripheral artery disease. BMC geriatrics, 2018, 18.1: 52.
36 . POREMBA, A. V.; MAKUBUYA, T.; MUWONGE, H. The Effects of Manual Therapy and PRIMFIT Unstable Surface Balance Training on Walking Gait Cycle Post an Acute Grade 3 Inversion Ankle Sprain: A Case Study. Sports Injr Med: JSIMD-126. DOI, 2018, 10.
37 . D'ALBA, Riccardo; GOLLIN, Massimiliano. Morpho-functional asymmetries and risk of injury in right-handed basketball players: an acute study. In: VII Cong. Naz. SISMES, Ricerca e formazione applicate alle scienze motorie e sportive. 2016. p. 26-26.
38 . GARCÍA-PINILLOS, Felipe, et al. How long is required to undertake step variability analysis during running? A pilot study. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 2019, 27.1: 63-67.
39 . RITZMANN, Ramona, et al. High intensity jump exercise preserves posture control, gait, and functional mobility during 60 days of bed-rest: an RCT including 90 days of follow-up. Frontiers in physiology, 2018, 9: 1713.
40 . ROCHE-SERUENDO, Luis E., et al. Effects of different percentages of body weight support on spatiotemporal step characteristics during running. Journal of sports sciences, 2018, 36.13: 1441-1446.
41 . YU, Kyung-Hoon; KANG, Kwon-Young. Functional electrical stimulation with augmented feedback training improves gait and functional performance in individuals with chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial. The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy, 2017, 29.2: 74-79.
42 . BEULERTZ, Julia, et al. Limitations in ankle dorsiflexion range of motion, gait, and walking efficiency in childhood cancer survivors. Cancer nursing, 2016, 39.2: 117-124.
43 . PORTARO, Simona, et al. Can Individuals with Down Syndrome Benefit from Hippotherapy? An Exploratory Study on Gait and Balance. Developmental neurorehabilitation, 2019, 1-6.
44 . IOSA, Marco, et al. Stability and harmony of gait in patients with subacute stroke. Journal of medical and biological engineering, 2016, 36.5: 635-643.
45 . LEE, Junyoung; LEE, Kyeongjin; SONG, Changho. Speed-interactive treadmill training using smartphone-based motion tracking technology improves gait in stroke patients. Journal of motor behavior, 2017, 49.6: 675-685.
46 . RÖSSLER, R., et al. A new injury prevention programme for children’s football–FIFA 11+ Kids–can improve motor performance: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Journal of sports sciences, 2016, 34.6: 549-556.
47 . KIM, Doo-Ho, et al. The Effect of Public Health Physical Program on Paretic Side in Environmental Water Quality. Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences, 2019, 11.3: 252-256.
48 . LOUREIRO C, Ana Paula, et al. Skeletal muscle metabolism after stroke: a comparative study using treadmill and overground walking test. 2017.
49 . STARHOLM, Inger Marie, et al. Energy expenditure of transfemoral amputees during floor and treadmill walking with different speeds. Prosthetics and orthotics international, 2016, 40.3: 336-342.
50 . LEE, Kyeongjin. Speed-Interactive Pedaling Training Using Smartphone Virtual Reality Application for Stroke Patients: Single-Blinded, Randomized Clinical Trial. Brain sciences, 2019, 9.11: 295.
51 . WARSCHAWSKI, Yaniv, et al. Correlation between preoperative imaging parameters and postoperative basic kinematics-based functional outcome in patients with tibial plateau fractures. Clinical Biomechanics, 2019, 65: 87-91.
52 . GIL-CALVO, Marina, et al. Effect of custom-made and prefabricated foot orthoses on kinematic parameters during an intense prolonged run. PloS one, 2020, 15.3: e0230877.
53 . MATSUMOTO, Hiromi, et al. Gait variability analysed using an accelerometer is associated with locomotive syndrome among the general elderly population: The GAINA study. Journal of Orthopaedic Science, 2016, 21.3: 354-360.
54 . WAHL, Yvonne, et al. Criterion-validity of commercially available physical activity tracker to estimate step count, covered distance and energy expenditure during sports conditions. Frontiers in physiology, 2017, 8: 725.
55 . VERNILLO, Gianluca, et al. An extreme mountain ultra-marathon decreases the cost of uphill walking and running. Frontiers in physiology, 2016, 7: 530.
56 . SCHUERMANS, Joke, et al. Deviating running kinematics and hamstring injury susceptibility in male soccer players: Cause or consequence?. Gait & posture, 2017, 57: 270-277.
57 . DEMIREL, A., et al. Moderate Disability Has Negative Effect on Spatiotemporal Parameters in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain. Gait & Posture, 2020.
58 . LUCAS-CUEVAS, Ángel G., et al. The effect of visual focus on spatio-temporal and kinematic parameters of treadmill running. Gait & posture, 2018, 59: 292-297.
59 . BEHRENS, Martin, et al. Mental fatigue increases gait variability during dual-task walking in old adults. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 2018, 73.6: 792-797.
60 . MORAN, Uria, et al. Functional electrical stimulation following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a randomized controlled pilot study. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 2019, 16.1: 89.
61 . HATCHETT, Andrew, et al. The Effect of a Curved Non-Motorized treadmill on Running Gait Length, Imbalance and Step Angle. 2018.
62 . GARCÍA-PINILLOS, Felipe, et al. How do Amateur Endurance Runners Alter Spatiotemporal Parameters and Step Variability as Running Velocity Increases? A Sex Comparison. Journal of Human Kinetics, 2020, 72.1: 39-49.
63 . LÜDER, Benjamin; KISS, Rainer; GRANACHER, Urs. Single-and Dual-Task Balance Training Are Equally Effective in Youth. Frontiers in psychology, 2018, 9: 912.
64 . LEE, Haneul; LIM, Hyoungwon. Effects of Double-Taped Kinesio Taping on Pain and Functional Performance due to Muscle Fatigue in Young Males: A Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17.7: 2364.
65 . LICHTENSTEIN, Eric, et al. Performance, stride characteristics, and muscle activity while running with a traditional compared to a newly developed running shoe. Kinesiology: International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 2018, 50.Supplement 1: 126-132.
66 . LANGEARD, Antoine, et al. Reduced gait and postural stability under challenging conditions in fallers with upper limb fracture. Aging clinical and experimental research, 2019, 31.4: 483-489.
67 . LUM, Danny, et al. Effects of intermittent sprint and plyometric training on endurance running performance. Journal of sport and health science, 2019, 8.5: 471-477.
68 . BALDUCCI, Pascal, et al. Comparison of level and graded treadmill tests to evaluate endurance mountain runners. Journal of sports science & medicine, 2016, 15.2: 239.
69 . WADA, Takashi; MATSUMOTO, Hiromi; HAGINO, Hiroshi. Customized exercise programs implemented by physical therapists improve exercise-related self-efficacy and promote behavioral changes in elderly individuals without regular exercise: a randomized controlled trial. BMC public health, 2019, 19.1: 917.
70 . IOSA, Marco, et al. The connection between anthropometry and gait harmony unveiled through the lens of the golden ratio. Neuroscience letters, 2016, 612: 138-144.
71 . KIM, Kyung Hun, et al. Effects of progressive backward body weight suppoted treadmill training on gait ability in chronic stroke patients: A randomized controlled trial. Technology and Health Care, 2017, 25.5: 867-876.
72 . JIMÉNEZ-GARCÍA, José D., et al. Risk of Falls in Healthy Older Adults: Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training Using Lower Body Suspension Exercises. Journal of aging and physical activity, 2019, 27.3: 325-333.
73 . SPRINGER, Shmuel; GOTTLIEB, Uri; LOZIN, Mariya. Spatiotemporal gait parameters as predictors of lower-limb overuse injuries in military training. The Scientific World Journal, 2016, 2016.
74 . SPRINGER, Shmuel; GOTTLIEB, Uri. Effects of dual-task and walking speed on gait variability in people with chronic ankle instability: a cross-sectional study. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 2017, 18.1: 316.
75 . MORIN, Vincent, et al. Gait analysis following medial opening-wedge high tibial osteotomy. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 2018, 26.6: 1838-1844.
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