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Gait analysis


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  1. OptoGaitで行えるテスト全て実施可能
  2. 歩行レポートの作成
  3. 歩隔の評価
  4. 歩隔分析用ブーストバー接続可能
  5. 歩行分析用アニメーションの参照
  6. 筋電図との出力






  1. ジャンプ計測
  2. ランニング・スプリント計測
  3. 歩行分析
  4. 反応テスト
  5. タッピングテスト
  6. トレッドミルテスト




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OptoGait System








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Opto Gaitでのみ使用できる機能




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Opto Gaitの間を歩くだけで、歩行周期が自動で判別され、​数値やグラフで表示されます。レポート化にも対応してお​り、歩行したクライアントにわかりやすい形で、すぐにデ​ータをフィードバック可能です。


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Max 13m

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Abstract Blue Background


1〜2mまで収納できるシングルバックと5mまで収納できるキャリーケースが用意されています。トレーニング現場や遠征先への​持ち運びも楽々行えます! 輸送中の衝撃も軽減してくれます。




OptoGait シングルセット

  • OptoGait TX×1
  • OptoGait RX×1
  • 接続用ケーブル
  • 充電ケーブル
  • ウェブカメラ×1
  • カメラ固定用三脚×1
  • 専用シングルバック
  • 日本語マニュアル

OptoGait 延長シングルセット

  • OptoGait 延長 TX×1
  • OptoGait 延長 RX×1
  • 接続用コネクター×2

OptoGait 5mセット

  • OptoGait TX×5
  • OptoGait RX×5
  • 2Dケーブル×1
  • 接続用コネクター×4
  • 接続用ケーブル
  • 充電ケーブル
  • ウェブカメラ×1
  • カメラ固定用三脚×1
  • 専用キャリーケース
  • 日本語マニュアル







|対応気温:0° C/+35°C


|最大接続距離:100 m






|操作端末:Windows PC (日本語化対応)





Windows 10

Windows 10/11(64bit)





4/8 GB

16/32 GB






1920×1080 以上





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1 . Luis E Roche-Seruendo , Felipe García-Pinillos , Joana Haicaguerre , Ana V Bataller-Cervero , Víctor M Soto-Hermoso , Pedro Á Latorre-Román

2 . BERNAL, Antonio Gomez; BECERRO-DE-BENGOA-VALLEJO, Ricardo; LOSA-IGLESIAS, Marta Elena. Reliability of the OptoGait portable photoelectric ​cell system for the quantification of spatial-temporal parameters of gait in young adults. Gait & posture, 2016, 50: 196-200.

3 . HEALY, Aoife; LINYARD-TOUGH, Kimberley; CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan. Agreement between the spatiotemporal gait parameters of healthy ​adults from the optogait system and a traditional three-dimensional motion capture system. Journal of biomechanical engineering, 2019, 141.1.

4 . ALVAREZ, Daniel, et al. Validation of the photoelectric Optogait system to measure racewalking biomechanical parameters on a treadmill. ISBS ​Proceedings Archive, 2017, 35.1: 253.

5 . NIGHTINGALE, Christopher J.; MITCHELL, Sidney N.; BUTTERFIELD, Stephen A. Validation of the timed up and go test for assessing balance ​variables in adults aged 65 and older. Journal of aging and physical activity, 2018, 27.2: 230-233.

6 . JAÉN-CARRILLO, Diego, et al. Test–retest reliability of the OptoGait system for the analysis of spatiotemporal running gait parameters and lower ​body stiffness in healthy adults. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 2020, ​234.2: 154-161.

7 . GOMMANS, Lindy NM, et al. Prolonged stance phase during walking in intermittent claudication. Journal of vascular surgery, 2017, 66.2: 515-522.

8 . SÁNCHEZ-TRIGO, Horacio, et al. Validation of a Wearable Accelerometer-Based Activity Monitor for Use in Future Osteoporosis Prevention ​Programs. Sustainability, 2020, 12.6: 2187.

9 . FOKKEMA, Tryntsje, et al. Reliability and validity of ten consumer activity trackers depend on walking speed. Medicine & Science in Sports & ​Exercise, 2017, 49.4: 793-800.


11 . SIMONI, Laura, et al. Relationship between Lower Limb Kinematics and Upper Trunk Acceleration in Recreational Runners. Journal of Healthcare ​Engineering, 2020, 2020.

12 . MORIWAKI, Kenta, et al. Association of serum bone-and muscle-derived factors with age, sex, body composition, and physical function in ​community-dwelling middle-aged and elderly adults: a cross-sectional study. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 2019, 20.1: 276.

13 . KIM, Hae Won; NAM, Ki Seok; SON, Sung Min. Effects of Virtual Reality Horse Riding Simulator Training Using a Head-Mounted Display on Balance ​and Gait Functions in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Preliminary Pilot Study. The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy, 2019, 31.5: 273-278.

14 . GARCÍA-PINILLOS, Felipe, et al. Absolute reliability and concurrent validity of the Stryd system for the assessment of running stride kinematics at ​different velocities. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 2018.

15 . ROCHE-SERUENDO, Luis E., et al. Lack of influence of muscular performance parameters on spatiotemporal adaptations with increased running ​velocity. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2018, 32.2: 409-415.

16 . LEE, Kyeongjin. Effects of single and dual tasks during walking on spatiotemporal gait parameters of community-dwelling older. Journal of ​physical therapy science, 2017, 29.10: 1874-1877.

17 . GARCÍA-PINILLOS, Felipe, et al. Agreement between spatiotemporal parameters from a photoelectric system with different filter settings and ​high-speed video analysis during running on a treadmill at comfortable velocity. Journal of biomechanics, 2019, 93: 213-219.

18 . HATCHETT, Andrew; ALLEN, Charles; SMITH, Marzania. The effect of a textured shoe insert on running gait. Age (y), 2017, 20.1.69: 20.60-1.78.

19 . BEHRENS, Martin, et al. Plyometric training improves voluntary activation and strength during isometric, concentric and eccentric contractions. ​Journal of science and medicine in sport, 2016, 19.2: 170-176.

20 . TANISHIMA, Shinji, et al. Association between sarcopenia and low back pain in local residents prospective cohort study from the GAINA study. ​BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 2017, 18.1: 452.

21 . PAEZ-MOGUER, Joaquin, et al. Variation of spatiotemporal parameters in school children carrying different backpack loads: a cross sectional ​study. Scientific reports, 2019, 9.1: 1-8.

22 . MATSUMOTO, Hiromi, et al. Sarcopenia is a risk factor for falling in independently living Japanese older adults: A 2‐year prospective cohort study ​of the GAINA study. Geriatrics & gerontology international, 2017, 17.11: 2124-2130.

23 . DUNCAN, Ashley L., et al. Spatiotemporal Parameters of Treadmill Walking While Dual-Tasking in Those With Chronic Ankle Instability Versus ​Uninjured Controls. Athletic Training and Sports Health Care, 2019, 11.6: 264-272.

24 . DEFLANDRE, Dorian, et al. A comparison of 3D methods for identifying the stance phase in treadmill running for both rearfoot and forefoot ​runners. Journal of Sports Science, 2016, 4: 124-131.

25 . GARCÍA-PINILLOS, Felipe, et al. Does fatigue alter step characteristics and stiffness during running?. Gait & Posture, 2020, 76: 259-263.

26 . GARCÍA-PINILLOS, Felipe, et al. How does the slope gradient affect spatiotemporal parameters during running? Influence of athletic level and ​vertical and leg stiffness. Gait & posture, 2019, 68: 72-77.

27 . MATSUMOTO, Hiromi, et al. Association between speed of sound of calcaneal bone assessed by quantitative ultrasound and sarcopenia in a ​general older adult population: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Orthopaedic Science, 2019, 24.5: 906-911.

28 . SON, Dong-Wook; HWANG, Sujin. Robotic-assisted gait training applied with guidance force for balance and gait performance in persons with ​subacute hemiparetic stroke. Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science, 2017, 6.3: 106-112.

29 . LYNN, Rebekah, et al. Step-Counting Validity of Wrist-Worn Activity Monitors During Activities With Fixed Upper Extremities. Journal for the ​Measurement of Physical Behaviour, 2020, 1.aop: 1-7.

30 . LEE, Soonhyun; LEE, Kyeongjin; SONG, Changho. Gait training with bilateral rhythmic auditory stimulation in stroke patients: a randomized ​controlled trial. Brain sciences, 2018, 8.9: 164.

31 . BAILLIEUL, Sebastien, et al. Continuous positive airway pressure improves gait control in severe obstructive sleep apnoea: A prospective study. ​PloS one, 2018, 13.2.

32 . GARCÍA-PINILLOS, Felipe, et al. Minimum time required for assessing step variability during running at submaximal velocities. Journal of ​biomechanics, 2018, 80: 186-195.

33 . GARCÍA-PINILLOS, Felipe, et al. How do spatiotemporal parameters and lower-body stiffness change with increased running velocity? A ​comparison between novice and elite level runners. Journal of Human Kinetics, 2019, 70.1: 25-38.

34 . ROCHE-SERUENDO, L. E., et al. Do sex and body structure influence spatiotemporal step characteristics in endurance runners?. Science & Sports, ​2019, 34.6: 412. e1-412. e9.

35 . SZYMCZAK, Maria, et al. Gait pattern in patients with peripheral artery disease. BMC geriatrics, 2018, 18.1: 52.

36 . POREMBA, A. V.; MAKUBUYA, T.; MUWONGE, H. The Effects of Manual Therapy and PRIMFIT Unstable Surface Balance Training on Walking Gait ​Cycle Post an Acute Grade 3 Inversion Ankle Sprain: A Case Study. Sports Injr Med: JSIMD-126. DOI, 2018, 10.

37 . D'ALBA, Riccardo; GOLLIN, Massimiliano. Morpho-functional asymmetries and risk of injury in right-handed basketball players: an acute study. In: ​VII Cong. Naz. SISMES, Ricerca e formazione applicate alle scienze motorie e sportive. 2016. p. 26-26.

38 . GARCÍA-PINILLOS, Felipe, et al. How long is required to undertake step variability analysis during running? A pilot study. Isokinetics and Exercise ​Science, 2019, 27.1: 63-67.

39 . RITZMANN, Ramona, et al. High intensity jump exercise preserves posture control, gait, and functional mobility during 60 days of bed-rest: an RCT ​including 90 days of follow-up. Frontiers in physiology, 2018, 9: 1713.

40 . ROCHE-SERUENDO, Luis E., et al. Effects of different percentages of body weight support on spatiotemporal step characteristics during running. ​Journal of sports sciences, 2018, 36.13: 1441-1446.

41 . YU, Kyung-Hoon; KANG, Kwon-Young. Functional electrical stimulation with augmented feedback training improves gait and functional ​performance in individuals with chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial. The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy, 2017, 29.2: 74-79.

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43 . PORTARO, Simona, et al. Can Individuals with Down Syndrome Benefit from Hippotherapy? An Exploratory Study on Gait and Balance. ​Developmental neurorehabilitation, 2019, 1-6.

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45 . LEE, Junyoung; LEE, Kyeongjin; SONG, Changho. Speed-interactive treadmill training using smartphone-based motion tracking technology ​improves gait in stroke patients. Journal of motor behavior, 2017, 49.6: 675-685.

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49 . STARHOLM, Inger Marie, et al. Energy expenditure of transfemoral amputees during floor and treadmill walking with different speeds. Prosthetics ​and orthotics international, 2016, 40.3: 336-342.

50 . LEE, Kyeongjin. Speed-Interactive Pedaling Training Using Smartphone Virtual Reality Application for Stroke Patients: Single-Blinded, ​Randomized Clinical Trial. Brain sciences, 2019, 9.11: 295.

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52 . GIL-CALVO, Marina, et al. Effect of custom-made and prefabricated foot orthoses on kinematic parameters during an intense prolonged run. PloS ​one, 2020, 15.3: e0230877.

53 . MATSUMOTO, Hiromi, et al. Gait variability analysed using an accelerometer is associated with locomotive syndrome among the general elderly ​population: The GAINA study. Journal of Orthopaedic Science, 2016, 21.3: 354-360.

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56 . SCHUERMANS, Joke, et al. Deviating running kinematics and hamstring injury susceptibility in male soccer players: Cause or consequence?. Gait ​& posture, 2017, 57: 270-277.

57 . DEMIREL, A., et al. Moderate Disability Has Negative Effect on Spatiotemporal Parameters in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain. Gait & Posture, ​2020.

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61 . HATCHETT, Andrew, et al. The Effect of a Curved Non-Motorized treadmill on Running Gait Length, Imbalance and Step Angle. 2018.

62 . GARCÍA-PINILLOS, Felipe, et al. How do Amateur Endurance Runners Alter Spatiotemporal Parameters and Step Variability as Running Velocity ​Increases? A Sex Comparison. Journal of Human Kinetics, 2020, 72.1: 39-49.

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“Making the right decisions in your daily ​training can in the long run decide ​whether an athlete can have 15 good ​years instead of 10.”

Marcel Blaumann / CEO / Founder

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Yasaka Pagoda and City Street at Sunset, Kyoto, Japan



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